- 0
Compatibility with catalogLibs
#132 opened by Yat3s - 0
Dependencies on relative files in parent folders
#131 opened by louwers - 2
When compiling on the server side, pass my keystore password in the form of parameters. Is there a good way?
#130 opened by asking1233 - 6
Support Gradle configuration cache
#96 opened by eugene-krivobokov - 1
Unable to receive failed tests report from remote machine when using Kotlin Coroutines runTest
#124 opened by yamal-alm - 3
- 11
- 2
- 32
- 12
Does not work with Gradle Wrapper > 7.4.2
#122 opened by JasonTheDynamite - 5
- 8
Running tests broken with composite builds
#114 opened by marcorighini - 12
- 1
Tasks fails instantly
#107 opened by matheusfinatti - 8
gradlew not found after updating to 1.5.1
#110 opened by oscar-tu-lotero - 3
Quotes around in downloadFromRemote task are counted as part of folder name
#106 opened by maxdroz - 1
Need to escape argument with space
#102 opened by kingori - 0
Only with mirakle: A problem occurred evaluating root project 'app'. > Plugin with id '' not found.
#103 opened by JasonTheDynamite - 19
Android Studio BumbleBee issues - unusable
#100 opened by JasonTheDynamite - 7
- 3
#87 opened by vinnitu - 0
Caching disabled for task ':mirakle' because Gradle would require more information to cache this task
#84 opened by farrellbraveheart - 6
Gradle Dependency Catalog compatibility
#95 opened by timrijckaert - 2
Support for Settings Plugin
#89 opened by timrijckaert - 1
mirakle.gradle cause error in MirakleBreakMode
#90 opened by kingori - 2
- 2
- 1
Running tests from IntelliJ subproject fail
#68 opened by AndrewReitz - 1
Ability to disable Mirakle from config
#81 opened by osipxd - 1
- 2
- 4 .gradle/6.5/executionHistory/executionHistory.lock (Permission denied)
#66 opened by mohamadk - 0
- 22
- 0
Performance drain gradle 7.1.1
#77 opened by farrellbraveheart - 0
Sync All app/build folder
#75 opened by JartX - 2
Insall task is not found in mirakle module
#74 opened by santiihoyos - 3
- 4
- 3
- 6
- 2
- 3
Default custom gradle properties
#56 opened by eugene-krivobokov - 7
Setup instructions don't make sense to me
#55 opened by ColtonIdle - 3
APK does not install on Android Studio 4.1
#53 opened by italankin - 0
How can I see build scan link?
#50 opened by MyDogTom - 2
Feature request: display connection speed and transferred data for upload/download tasks
#51 opened by MyDogTom - 0
- 3
Stable error after migrating to Gradle 6.6
#45 opened by YuriDenison - 0
Error after migrating to Gradle 6.6
#44 opened by YuriDenison