
`useNativeEvents` should not be a part of the page object out of the box?

ro0gr opened this issue · 3 comments

ro0gr commented

I've just observed the following in the codebase

// pre-emptively turn on native events since we'll need them

I believe it should not be here, and if really needed, it should be called on the consumer test setup side.

The useNativeEvents( is used to enable the ember-native-dom-helpers, which was needed in the era of moduleFor* tests. Now, for the test suites using modern @ember/test-helpers, I don't think we need it anymore.

Also, useNativeEvents( is now removed in the v2-beta of the ec-page-objects, cause moduleFor test helpers are now removed completelly from @ember/test-helpers, so I think this invocation would break ember-classy-page-object under ember-cli-page-object@v2 when it's released.

So my guess is that we should remove it from here at some point, as a breaking change? @mixonic what do you think?

Hm, yeah I can try to make the change and see how it impacts the large codebases at Addepar. Good catch, thank you!

ro0gr commented

Just in case useNativeEvents( accepts a single boolean argument. By default it's true.

I've removed it as part of my testing the v2-beta. #36