
This is a very simple plugin that will move a player whenever he gets kicked, depending on a whitelist or blacklist.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a very simple plugin that will move a player whenever he gets kicked, depending on a whitelist or blacklist. Configuration :

mode: blacklist
servername: lobby
- ban
- kick
message: "%kickmsg%"

mode can either be blacklist or whitelist. In blacklist mode, player will always be moved to default server unless his kick message contains one of the words/phrases in list. In whitelist mode, he will always be kicked unless his kick message contains one of the phrases in list.

servername is the name of the server to kick to.

message is the message sent to the player when he switches server. It can be spanned over multiple lines using the following syntax :

message: |
  "This is the first line"
  "This is the third line"

%kickmsg% will be replaced with the actual message as sent by the server.