Getting error
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Hey man, I will look into this and apply a fix when I figure out what is going on!
Wanted to make PR, but seems permissions are denied :( so Make sure you fix the lines :
43 TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, 'Vous n\'avez pas de munitions !', 'error')
52 TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, 'Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser cette arme pour prendre des otages !', 'error')
77 TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, 'Personne aux alentours !', 'error')
and replace them with
43 QBCore.Functions.Notify('You do not have ammunition!', 'error')
52 QBCore.Functions.Notify('You cannot use this weapon to take hostages!', 'error')
77 QBCore.Functions.Notify('No one nearby!', 'error')
If you encounter issue, that it says You cannot use this weapon to take hostages.
Remove all lines from 4 to 16
local hostageAllowedWeapons = { "weapon_pistol", "weapon_combatpistol", "weapon_pistol50", "weapon_snspistol", "weapon_vintagepistol", "vweapon_heavypistol", "weapon_revolver", "weapon_ceramicpistol", "weapon_navyrevolver", "weapon_marksmanpistol", "weapon_snspistol_mk2", "weapon_pistol_mk2", "weapon_machinepistol" }
Which should look like that:
local hostageAllowedWeapons = {
Also make sure you have renamed the texts in line:
223 DrawText3D(playerCoords.x,playerCoords.y,playerCoords.z,"[G] libérer, [H] Abattre")
223 DrawText3D(playerCoords.x,playerCoords.y,playerCoords.z,"[G] Release, [H] Kill")