
Adibags completely broken in 10.2.6 retail

Opened this issue ยท 11 comments

Addon Version


World of Warcraft Version


Describe the bug

As a result of the 10.2.6 update:

When attempting to open the bags, I get this LUA error and you can't open your inventory at all.

Date: 2024-03-19 17:11:54
ID: -1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: Interface/AddOns/AdiBags/core/Utility.lua line 355:
Tried to build a section key with no name. Report this to please!
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AdiBags/widgets/LayeredRegion.lua"]:119:
(*temporary) = 0.011000
(*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1

Steps to reproduce

Open your backpack


  • I have disabled all other addons and made sure this bug is triggered only with AdiBags enabled

Confirmed. Errant object is Tidespray Linen Bandage which results in an empty ("", not nil) section name in category Equipment.

Two more are Fire Bomb and Winter Veil Cookie.

These items have an equipSlot value of "INVTYPE_NON_EQUIP_IGNORE". This seems to let the bags open properly:

diff --git a/AdiBags/core/DefaultFilters.lua b/AdiBags/core/DefaultFilters.lua
index 7e8a608..d579e7b 100644
--- a/AdiBags/core/DefaultFilters.lua
+++ b/AdiBags/core/DefaultFilters.lua
@@ -254,7 +254,11 @@ function addon:SetupDefaultFilters()
 				if rule == 'category' then
 					category = equipCategories[equipSlot] or _G[equipSlot]
 				elseif rule == 'slot' then
-					category = _G[equipSlot]
+					if "INVTYPE_NON_EQUIP_IGNORE" == equipSlot then
+						category = MISCELLANEOUS
+					else
+						category = _G[equipSlot]
+					end
 				if category == ARMOR and self.db.profile.armorTypes and slotData.subclass then
 					category = slotData.subclass

It seems like a lot of items that were consumables (food, potions, bombs) are now treated as equipment, putting them all in the Miscellaneous section. Smells like a Blizzard bug.

The recent public fix seems to be making AdiBags slap an item level on them as well.

Hi everyone,

I pushed a patch earlier that stops the bag from crashing, but it does feel like a Blizzard bug as @SpareSimian noted. 10.2.6 is riddled with bugs left and right, and Blizzard did not give us a PTR to prepare. Sit tight while this is worked on.

p.s. @SpareSimian I was also able to trigger the bug with 192955, a gem. It doesn't seem to be specifically tied to consumable. I'll dig more here.

It seems like a lot of items that were consumables (food, potions, bombs) are now treated as equipment, putting them all in the Miscellaneous section. Smells like a Blizzard bug.

Yes just hit this bug. Makes my bags unmanageable.

I installed BetterBags, which doesn't seem to be affected by this. I wonder what's different?

(The lack of the N button in BB to clear the new items flag is frustrating. I usually hit that right after looting and reviewing what I got. I usually loot a bunch of things at the mission table, then go to the mailbox to redistribute things to alts, and now feel like I have to wait for that flag to clear before I can see what needs to go to who. I also haven't figured out how to drag items into categories. I click and hold an item, drag it to a category title, click again, nothing happens.)

@SpareSimian right click the bag icon on the top left to clear new items and sort.

Is this bug going to be fixed? BetterBags really isn't quite ready for prime time, IMO.