
Reagent Bag Message does not go away

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Addon Version


World of Warcraft Version


Describe the bug

Splash screen message for reagent bag (you've obtained a reagent bag! open your bag) appears upon every login, or when I craft a new one. Opening the bag does not make it go away. When I disable the add on and use the stock ui and open the bag, it goes away.

Steps to reproduce

log in.


  • I have disabled all other addons and made sure this bug is triggered only with AdiBags enabled

Can anyone else corroborate experiencing this? Is the below no longer sufficiently silencing it?


Lines 133 to 138 in c09e86e

if addon.isRetail then
-- Disable the reagent bag tutorial
C_CVar.SetCVarBitfield("closedInfoFrames", LE_FRAME_TUTORIAL_EQUIP_REAGENT_BAG, true)
C_CVar.SetCVar("professionToolSlotsExampleShown", 1)
C_CVar.SetCVar("professionAccessorySlotsExampleShown", 1)

I'm still locked to 60 as I haven't bought DF. I decided to buy the 32-slot bags on the AH to replace the 20-slot ones I got during the pre-patch, and got the "you have a reagent bag!" popup when I picked up the new bag. I had to switch to standard bags and dismiss the popup to make it go away permanently. I just started a new alt into DF during the weekend trial and he did the quest that rewards a 26-slot bag. He got the same popup, even though he had the larger bag equipped. I just checked core.lua and see those lines so I'm definitely running that version.