
Bank Bags not opening

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Addon Version


World of Warcraft Version


Describe the bug

After WoW 10.1 went live I dont recall going to my bank but yesterday on multiple toons I tried to open my bank tabs and nothing pops up?

Steps to reproduce

clicking on the banker in Val


  • I have disabled all other addons and made sure this bug is triggered only with AdiBags enabled
Cidan commented

I can't reproduce this issue, and I also don't know what that addon version, 7.076.883 is, as it's not ours.

Are you sure you disabled all your other addons, as required before a bug report?

Lyan-w commented

I have exactly the same problem. I have disabled all other addons. The first time the bank opens but doesn't sort, when you reopen the bank, it doesnt load anymore. Im in version V1.10.17