
[Announcement]: AdiBags is nearing End of Life -- Replace with BetterBags!

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Hi everyone,

AdiBags has had an amazing 15 year run or so as the best darn bag addon for WoW. However, over those 15 years, past design decisions fundamental to the operation of the addon have made it increasingly difficult to support new features and fix the constant slew of bugs that have risen over the years.

With that, we are announcing the soon-to-be deprecation of AdiBags, with an eventual sunset in Q1 2024 as we focus our efforts on the next evolution of AdiBags: BetterBags!

BetterBags is a complete replacement for AdiBags, and is still a work in progress. BetterBags is available today in alpha state in the github repo, The codebase for BetterBags is 100% original and a total rewrite of the AdiBags concept, with newer software engineering principles applied, making the addon much more stable and easier to extend in most places.

That being said, BetterBags does not yet have all the features of AdiBags, and it is a work in progress. AdiBags will see continued simple maintenance until BetterBags is up to speed, but no new feature requests or bugs will be fixed unless they are game breaking, i.e. a new patch breaks the addon. After BetterBags has most of the useful features of AdiBags, AdiBags will release a version that disables the bag and directs people to install BetterBags.

I encourage everyone to give BetterBags a shot today, as it's already fully usable as an AdiBags replacement and is significantly less buggy overall. Over the next few weeks, we'll put out major updates that will bring a majority of AdiBags features to BetterBags.

Thank you everyone, and here's to a better bag future!

EDIT: This message is now 4 months old, and BetterBags has implemented a vast majority of the features in AdiBags. BetterBags should be a suitable replacement for most use cases, however work continues on more features.

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Look forward to it being on curse so I can update through wowup and check progress

Good news! TY for the effort!

Good news ! Thank you for your dedication.

P.S : new logo is awesome !


"AdiBags will release a version that disables the bag and directs people to install BetterBags."

Please, please, please do not do this.
Purposefully breaking functionality has been received VERY POORLY (see Altoholic vs TotalRP3, the MDT cluster or even the gshade logic bomb) and could annoy enough people to trigger TOS complaints to Blizzard.
A chat message upon login about BetterBags or a nag screen when opening the Adibags config would be sufficient. Or just let it rot like almost every other broken addon does.

Get people to move by actually being better and not by disabling their choices. Wowhead is always looking for content and I'm sure an article about the transition would be widely seen.

Purposefully breaking functionality...

This addon will completely stop working with the next API change, and this repository will be locked. It will break either with a massive amount of Lua errors, or by my hand gracefully, notifying people to move on. I will offer an override, but when it does break in-game permanently, I will disable the addon permanently as well.

Or just let it rot like almost every other broken addon does.

This is unacceptable and I will not do this. I will be gracefully sunsetting the addon over time.

and could annoy enough people to trigger TOS complaints to Blizzard.

Wowhead is always looking for content and I'm sure an article about the transition would be widely seen.

Please refrain from using scare or intimidation tactics with us.


Can you add something to the init code that shuts it down if BetterBags is detected? This would make it easy to switch back and forth by simply enabling/disabling the BB addon and reloading. It would also make it possible for me to write some Lua to "steal" the settings from the shut-down AdiBags and inject it into BB's settings.

Can you add something to the init code that shuts it down if BetterBags is detected? This would make it easy to switch back and forth by simply enabling/disabling the BB addon and reloading.

AdiBags will eventually completely and totally break, as the API will certainly change for 11. As I mentioned above, I will have an override so the bag can be enabled until the API changes and the addon can no longer load, at which point I will permanently disabled AdiBags as distributed.

What a rollercoaster of emotions in a single post..
Adibags EOL .. WHAAT!! .. but wait, we're continuing with Betterbags YAY!

Thank you for making AdiBags, I'll surely checkout BetterBags (btw don't forget to add the keyring! ;))

BetterBags lacks a lot of visual config compared to AdiBags :)

BetterBags lacks a lot of visual config compared to AdiBags :)

Yes, I'm well aware. If you read the post again, BetterBags is not in any way complete or ready for general use. It is under active development, though you are welcome to use it in its current state.

(btw don't forget to add the keyring! ;))

Definitely won't forget it :)

Is it intended to work with Classic and Classic Era?

Is it intended to work with Classic and Classic Era?

Have you tried reading the README of the page ?
Hint: scroll down :)

I have created a ton of manual sort categories in AdiBags over the last several years... is there an easy way to convert it to BetterBags or do I have to manually have to reconstruct it?

I will be adding an import feature, as it's clear this is a critical feature for many folks. Stay tuned.

As a long time user of AdiBags it's sad to see the name go away even if you are replacing with a complete rewrite, I look forward to trying out Better Bags <3

Can't wait for the import feature so that I can switch to BetterBags :-)

Deprecating AdiBags is a bad move since BetterBags doesn't yet have feature parity with AdiBags and is missing quite a lot of functionality that AdiBags already has.

Deprecating AdiBags is a bad move since BetterBags doesn't yet have feature parity with AdiBags and is missing quite a lot of functionality that AdiBags already has.

Please re-read the announcement -- deprecation does not be shut down. AdiBags will continue to work until BetterBags is complete.

Adibags has completely stopped working now. Was working earlier today but now is not working at all showing the separate bags and the addon had not been disabled. I use a lot of the sorting modules from Adibags and if we have to switch to Betterbags then make the Adibags modules compatible with Betterbags until you have a similar module for Betterbags. I had to revert to the Adibags version from the Adibags version dated the same release date of 2/18/24 as the one I reverted to. The core has a lot of errors popping up and crashing the addon. Cannot access in game settings for the addon too.

Howdy, AdiBagman! Have you had a change to make the import feature from AdiBags to better bags?

Howdy, AdiBagman! Have you had a change to make the import feature from AdiBags to better bags?

@Michael-Cooney See the issue here: Cidan/BetterBags#122

Howdy, AdiBagman! Have you had a change to make the import feature from AdiBags to better bags?

@Michael-Cooney See the issue here: Cidan/BetterBags#122

Thanks! I take it that this is still yet to come?

Would it be possible to not 'disable' adibags but just stop providing updates for when all features are transferred over to betterbags? The 'disable' part of this sentence: "After BetterBags has most of the useful features of AdiBags, AdiBags will release a version that disables the bag and directs people to install BetterBags." will probably not be met with enthousiasme by most people. It's fine to have people switch over to BetterBags (personally I still can't switch over, because of how I'm used to Adibags, but's that's just my preference), but it would be met with a lot more enthousiasme when done voluntary. So I rather have either BetterBags have all features that Adibags give before I get to choose to switch over.. or not switch over at all, but don't want it to be forced disabled.

I do hope BetterBags will eventually feel or at least work like Adibags does, so I wish you the best in working on that <3

Right. I know of at least 2 changes coming in War Within that will completely break AdiBags. It's also extremely unlikely that warband banks will ever be implemented directly, as the codebase is not built to support anything beyond the two main bags.

When War Within comes, AdiBags will completely and totally break down on load. What will happen is, a small popup will appear letting folks know the addon isn't currently in a working state, and then do a very simple halting of execution to prevent lua error spam. This will be easy to reverse if someone would like to come along and send PR's.

I know The War Within will affect the bags and banks with the Warbands. I am looking forward to using Warbands. According to the 2024 roadmap, the Warbands will be coming with The War Within pre-patch content! I am planning to add all my toons to a Warband. I have to yet make the transition to Betterbags because I use many of the addon sorting modules for Adibags. That is the biggest issue for me is having the sorting modules that Adibags has. It would be cool if those sorting modules were backwards compatible with Betterbags or new ones made for Betterbags to replace the ones from Adibags.

I know The War Within will affect the bags and banks with the Warbands. I am looking forward to using Warbands. According to the 2024 roadmap, the Warbands will be coming with The War Within pre-patch content! I am planning to add all my toons to a Warband. I have to yet make the transition to Betterbags because I use many of the addon sorting modules for Adibags. That is the biggest issue for me is having the sorting modules that Adibags has. It would be cool if those sorting modules were backwards compatible with Betterbags or new ones made for Betterbags to replace the ones from Adibags.

There are already several plugins for BetterBags that add all kinds of things to categories. The two big features that are still missing however, are:

  • Themes
  • The ability to set the priority for categories

This is a work in progress and will be complete before War Within.

Please if BetterBags is intended to replace AdiBags, make a theme for BetterBags that makes it looks exactly like AdiBags, at least for the customization and backgrounds transparency. Make it smaller, anchorable with right click, make sorting bags possible, customizable filters, etc.

Also the way BetterBags looks right now out of the box is not so good.

Thanks for the development of AdiBags while it lasted, it was and still IS the best Bag addon EVER made for WoW.

@RenanIsola Both AdiBags and BetterBags are massive projects. They're not at all trivial. BB has a huge list of things still to implement, one of them being themes. Any time spent fixing AdiBags is time lost from getting those additional BB features implemented. If you spent a little time reading Cidan's answer just above yours, you'd know this.