A collection of Swift samples to experiment with different topics.
- AtomicVariables - Attempt to create atomic variables and thread-safe collections by leveraging a queue.
- AutolayoutScrollView - A short example on how to work with Auto Layout and UIScrollView.
- CoreDataCodable - A sample app to experiment with:
- Core Data and
. - Core Data unit testing.
- Core Data and
- DataPassing - A sample workspace to experiment with Data Passing between View Controllers.
- GenericDataSource - A simple framework to experiment with Swift Generics and Data Sources Abstractions.
- ParallaxAndScale - A sample project to experiment with Programmatic Views and Parallax and Scaling effects.
- RegionMonitor - A sample app to experiment with Region Monitoring, Local Notifications and MapKit.
- SmoothScrolling - A sample app to experiment with MVVM and scrolling optimizations.
- SQLiteConnectionPool - An exploration of how to implement a DB Connection Pool for SQLite.
- TaskList - A short example on how to handle sections in a UICollectionView.
- TypeWrapping - Finding a way around some of the limitations of generic protocols in Swift.