
Add note to set fps to 30 on older PCs

axu2 opened this issue · 4 comments

axu2 commented

I installed this mod hoping it would stop my CPU fans from maxing out.

It didn't work by default, but setting

AnimationFps = 30.0

did solve it.

Without the change, I was running at 1080p40 with extremely loud fans.

Now I'm running at 1080p30 with comfortable noise.

The biggest reason I made this mod is because the original game only runs at 30 instead of the much more smooth 60. So no, I'm not changing that default. But since this is just a line in the settings go ahead and just change it to whatever you want, it's cool, I don't mind.

(I suspect you're running this on a very low-performance CPU or GPU, in which case yeah you're definitely better off with the 30 FPS.)

axu2 commented

Yes, I running this on a VERY low performance 2011 desktop, maybe just add that as a note for those running low performance PCs. Cause 1080p30 on that hardware is still very playable.

Sure, I can do that.