
Minor visual problems (related and possibly unrelated to high frame rates)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

cnrm commented
  • At seemingly any high frame rate the text at the bottom of the episode select menu has a brief flicker when you scroll across. (link)
    • Doesn't happen when set to 30 FPS. (link)
  • While testing out 120 FPS, the door behind Jezaille Brett became visible for a split second when her surroundings are darkened and the camera slowly pans forward. Unsure about other high frame rates. (link)
    • Here's a still frame. (link)
      * This doesn't occur when set to 30 FPS, but I didn't record it this time.

Edit: The second point likely isn't related to frame rate after all, per #5 (comment)
Unsure if there's anything else later on, but it's reasonable to assume there might be similar behavior in other places.

I've noticed this too. It seems like whenever the game blackens the background behind someone, you can still see the occasional flicker of what's behind them. It's a pretty minor issue though.

The occasional flicker in a black background is most certainly a minor issue of the PC port itself, I've noticed it numerous times while playing before applying the mod.

cnrm commented

The occasional flicker in a black background is most certainly a minor issue of the PC port itself, I've noticed it numerous times while playing before applying the mod.

I decided to try it again at 30, 60, 120, and 144 FPS, each four times in a row. At this moment I wasn't able to replicate the "black background flicker" at any frame rate. In hindsight, the flicker may not be tied to frame rate; the cause appears to be unknown. Conversely I haven't noticed any flicker while playing besides this, so it seems rare for me personally. The nature of the game means getting back to certain scenes to replicate problems gets pretty tedious pretty quickly, but this incentivized me to look again. Apologies for the error, but perhaps this could be worth investigating nonetheless.

Hm, weirdly enough I have finished the entire second game since I wrote my initial comment and I can't seem to recall another occurrence of the aforementioned flicker. It seems incredibly rare for me too, unless the issue is somehow absent in the second game, which should be out of question. I don't remember where I ran into the visual problems exactly, but I believe it was in 1-1 and 1-4 at the very least. I can't hope to replicate it, though. Perhaps the mod or a newer version of it did fix the issue already? (I've only applied it midway into 1-5) Still, highly unlikely since there wasn't a new version released since the opening of this issue thread, and you've run into it with the patch applied for sure as I understand.