
Multiple dimensions: possible in API 2.0? planned?

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The vast majority of our Adobe customers want to pull multiple dimensions at a time out of Adobe, the way they do for their API v1.4 reports. The documentation does not show how to do this, and indeed shows that pulling multiple dimensions isn't possible. This is a severe restriction for our customers, and most of them will stay on v1.4 as a result.

Is there a way to work around this in API v2.0? If so, could this work around be documented?

Is there any plan for adding the capability to pull multiple dimensions in 2.0?

There have been discussions on this topic, but there aren't plans at this point on how to support multiple dimensions. Currently in the 2.0 APIs you have to make multiple requests to get data for multiple dimensions.

@SaraRands What are you using to pull the data? I've been working on an R package and there are 2 python packages that can enable you to pull multiple breakdown reports.

The new Adobe V2 API's data model is not made for multiple dimension queries.
See how it works in Workspace: every row basically needs a second query to break it down by, that makes it an extremely long query to pull anything for 2 dimensions, so let's forget about 3 dimensions... It stinks, but in the Adobe world, you need to help yourself with clever Calculated Metrics (e.g. instead of "dim: search_term | dim: results | metr: search_result_views", you create sth like:
"dim: search_term | metr: "views with > 10 results" | metr: "views with 0 results" | metr: search_result_views").

The API V2.0 is built for small queries, made to work mainly in the Analysis Workspace interface, not for the typical API use case where you want to pull a lot of data out of the tool.

Anyway, since this is a deeply rooted problem of the data model, I don't expect a multi-dimensional breakdown for many rows to work in the mid-term future. Adobe will make us have to move to the Experience Platform for that. Until then, we have to live with Adobe Data Warehouse requests.

@SaraRands Let me know if you are still looking into this. We are in the final stages of publishing an R package that enables data pulls via the 2.0 api similar to the 1.4 R package (RSiteCatalyst) and it's Google Analytics counterpart GoogleAnalyticsR. I'd love to share it with you and get some feedback on ways the package could be developed to help solve the questions around multi-dimensional pulls.