
Data shape of the resulting report JSON.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The shape of the resulting report JSON consists of 1 column per metric (for a set of segments if these are defined in the filters) and 1 row per dimension value (1 row per day for example).

If we intend to create a report with the same data as a Freeform table from an Adoe Analytics Dashboard, where we have M metrics, S segments and D dimension values, using the /reports endpoint this would result in a JSON report with M*S columns and D rows. This shape is quite different when compared to the shape of the data in the Freeform table (M columns by S rows)

My question, with the aim of obtaining a JSON format as close as possible as the one in the Freeform table, is if it is possible to, instead of having 1 row per Dimension value, have 1 row per Segment (from a specified list of segments), thus also resulting in only 1 column per Metric.

Example of the intended JSON:

		"data":["Nov 1 2019", 65.0, 44.0]
		"data":["Nov 1 2019", 31.0, 87.0]
		"data":["Nov 1 2019", 21.0, 43.0]


Is it possible to obtain this format? Or something similar?

Hi @goncalocapelalopes, to make sure I understand the use case you're describing, do you have an example Freeform table screenshot you can share showing the shape you're trying to achieve?

Hello @saverett,

I can't share an exact screenshot but suppose we have the following Freeform table data, hope it is enough to exemplify my issue:

Segments Metric_X Metric_Y
Segment_A 65 44
Segment_B 31 87
Segment_C 21 43

The JSON format I would like to get from the API is the one I detailed in my previous comment, but the one the API returns is something similar to the following:

	    "Metric_X, Segment_A,
	    "Metric_X, Segment_B,
	    "Metric_X, Segment_C,
	    "Metric_Y, Segment_A,
	    "Metric_Y, Segment_B,
            "Metric_Y, Segment_C,
		"value":"Nov 1 2019",
		"data":[65.0, 44.0, , 31.0, 87.0, 21.0, 43.0]

The API returns the data for different segment/metric combinations stacked in 1 row. As I show in my first comment, I'm looking for a report JSON structure that better resembles the data in the Freeform table.

@goncalocapelalopes thank you for providing those additional details.

The shape format you're asking about is not currently supported. There will be a separate columnId in the API response for each metric/segment combination, and the Freeform table UI is built to use the indexes of the row data to show only a single column for each metric.

Here's an example request JSON for how the UI requests this type of report:

    "metricContainer": {
        "metrics": [{
                "columnId": "METRIC_X_SEGMENT_A",
                "id": "metrics/occurrences",
                "filters": [
                "columnId": "METRIC_Y_SEGMENT_A",
                "id": "metrics/visits",
                "filters": [
                "columnId": "METRIC_X_SEGMENT_B",
                "id": "metrics/occurrences",
                "filters": [
                "columnId": "METRIC_Y_SEGMENT_B",
                "id": "metrics/visits",
                "filters": [
                "columnId": "METRIC_X_SEGMENT_C",
                "id": "metrics/occurrences",
                "filters": [
                "columnId": "METRIC_Y_SEGMENT_C",
                "id": "metrics/visits",
                "filters": [
        "metricFilters": [{
                "id": "SEGMENT_A",
                "type": "segment",
                "segmentId": "idA"
                "id": "SEGMENT_B",
                "type": "segment",
                "segmentId": "idB"
                "id": "SEGMENT_C",
                "type": "segment",
                "segmentId": "idC"

Feel free to submit a feature feedback request for the shape you were asking about via by clicking the question mark icon in the top right of the screen and selecting the "Feedback" tab.