
Color values are not consistent in the JSON manifest characterStyles

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Expected Behaviour

Color values should be consistent with those in the document inside the JSON manifest.

Actual Behaviour

The color values exported in the characterStyles runs are not consistent with the document values. As far as I can see, it's the 1rst color value (the one in the 1st run) that continues on the following ones

Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)

Request the JSON manifest from the given sample zipped .psd file

Returned json: {
"layers": [
"blendOptions": {
"blendMode": "normal",
"opacity": 100
"bounds": {
"height": 211,
"left": 294,
"top": 233,
"width": 448
"id": 2,
"index": 1,
"locked": false,
"name": "Lorem ipsum",
"text": {
"characterStyles": [
"fontAvailable": false,
"fontColor": {
"rgb": {
"blue": 17971,
"green": 0,
"red": 30346
"fontName": "MyriadPro-Bold",
"fontSize": 165.26,
"from": 0,
"orientation": "horizontal",
"to": 5
"fontAvailable": false,
"fontColor": {
"rgb": {
"blue": 17971,
"green": 0,
"red": 30346

"fontName": "MyriadPro-Regular",
"fontSize": 72,
"from": 6,
"orientation": "horizontal",
"to": 10
"content": "Lorem\ripsum",
"paragraphStyles": [
"alignment": "center"
"type": "area"
"type": "textLayer",
"visible": true

The bolded color values are not correct!