
How to use Blob in plugin

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Blob support is labeled as "coming soon" in the XD extensibility roadmap. Please stay tuned!

has this been released? Everyone has said just work with the returned ArrayBuffer. But today with graphQL is fairly hard to work with arrayBuffer.

The business case is the following scenario:
We are developing plugins for Sketch, Figma and Adobe XD and we want to stick to the same endpoint regarding uploading image data we don't want to create another endpoint just to accommodate Adobe XD. Sketch and Figma are fine as they support Blobs but Adobe XD doesn't :(

So the Trello roadmap claims it was put in "Released" Back in 2019 July? What's the deal is it actually or are these things totally forgotten about?


I get the javascript engine probably has some technical limitations when running in Adobe XD but some of these fairly common native APIs that still haven't been polyfilled is really limiting.