
Problems when submitting an app with the Jot Touch SDK

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When we submit an app with the jot touch framework, we get the following warning:

"the app references non-public selectors in payload/.app/: shortDescription"

This started when we submitted with XCode 5 and for iOS 7.

Thank you, we will look into this issue asap.

Hello, we've looked into this and have run validation against our test app targeting both XCode 6.1 and 7. Those validation attempts came back clear.

Can you clarify if you're getting this response back from XCode validation or in iTunesConnect after submitting? Any other details you're able to provide as well would be appreciated.

Also, you can email us at for more info.


we cannot reproduce this, as we have just submitted an update to Apple and cannot do a validation or submit until the update goes live.

The warning is displayed in XCode when validating or submitting the app. Our app is an iPad only configuration with iOS 5 as deployment target (to support 5,6 and 7). The XCode version is 5.0 GM.

We also removed the JotTouch SDK to confirm the source of the warning and it validated without an issue.

Best regards,
Michael Traunau

Informationssysteme Traunau
Ing. Michael Traunau
Lichtenegger Straße 126A
A - 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 7242 20 77 84

Einzelunternehmen, Landesgericht Wels

Am 12.09.2013 um 22:27 schrieb macfowler

Hello, we've looked into this and have run validation against our test app targeting both XCode 6.1 and 7. Those validation attempts came back clear.

Can you clarify if you're getting this response back from XCode validation or in iTunes after submitting? Any other details you're able to provide as well would be appreciated.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Hi again,

as we had to resubmit our App, we had an opportunity to take a screenshot of the warning (as attached). The warning disappears when we remove the JotTouch SDK from our project.

Best regards,
Michael Traunau

Informationssysteme Traunau
Ing. Michael Traunau
Lichtenegger Straße 126A
A - 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 7242 20 77 84

Einzelunternehmen, Landesgericht Wels

Am 12.09.2013 um 22:27 schrieb macfowler

Hello, we've looked into this and have run validation against our test app targeting both XCode 6.1 and 7. Those validation attempts came back clear.

Can you clarify if you're getting this response back from XCode validation or in iTunes after submitting? Any other details you're able to provide as well would be appreciated.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Hello - We've released a v2 beta 1 of our SDK that eliminates the BT 2.1 stack that required these categories and resulted in these new iOS7 warnings. This update also includes additional iOS7 updates and support for the Jot Script announced yesterday.