
Connection hangs at status "Scanning"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We could successfully compile the beta1 now, but the connection process seems to hang.

In "-(void)connectionChange:(NSNotification *) note" we get a notification with the connection status "JotConnectionStatusScanning" but we receive nothing after this. We also tried to show your JotSettingsViewController with the same result - the status in your settings panel stays at "Scanning for Jot Stylus".

The Pen was re-connected in the iPad bluetooth settings and works in the ProCreate app. We also did restart the iPad but that made no difference.

In our debug log in XCode we get the following line:

CoreBluetooth[WARNING] <CBCentralManager: 0x15603bf0> is disabling duplicate filtering, but is using the default queue (main thread) for delegate events

Maybe this helps.

A beta build of the SDK will be released tonight that will correct both of these issues.