
Issue (Session-2-jlink) in running ./link sh bash file.

Bhardwaj20241 opened this issue · 0 comments

Compile the 'hello world' example using:

$ ./

Create JAR modules out of the class files:

$ ./

I am able to run above two scripts but getting issues while running below script.

Run jlink to produce a new run-time image (distributable JDK + your app) for the 'hello world' example:

$ ./ 

Error- rahul_bhardwaj@AHM-LL-RahulBh:~/java9/jdk9-jigsaw/session-2-jlink/01_JLink$ ./

*** Removing any existing executable directories *** �

*** Create an executable version of the com.greetings module *** �
Error: Module java.base not found

Modified file -> `JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4"

set -eu

source ../../

echo ""
echo "${info} *** Removing any existing executable directories *** ${normal}"
rm -rf executable

echo ""
echo "${info} *** Create an executable version of the com.greetings module *** ${normal}"
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]] ; then
# Windows users: please not that if the below fails due to JAVA_HOME substitution, please hard-code the JAVA_HOME path into the script
jlink --module-path "${JAVA_HOME}\jmods;mlib"
--add-modules com.greetings,java.base
--output executable
jlink --module-path "${JAVA_HOME}/jmods:mlib"
--add-modules com.greetings,java.base
--output executable

Check out documentation on jlink to survive at this stage

echo ""
echo "${info} *** Displaying the contents (modules) of the 'executable' folder *** ${normal}"
runTree executable


The value to --module-path is a PATH of directories containing the packaged modules.

Replace the path separator ':' with ';' on Microsoft Windows.
