
Support openjdkX-upstream-binaries

karianna opened this issue · 9 comments

See AdoptOpenJDK/TSC#65

We've created the openjdk8-upstream-binaries and openjdk11-upstream-binaries repos. Once we see what a binary in there looks like (release name and file name) then we need to adjust the API to be able to read those in.

This will likely be a major refactor, bringing in the concept of a provider

So targeting this as a v3 change

I've uploaded first EA builds for x64_linux:

JDK 8:
JDK 11:

The JDK 8 windows build will be called

@karianna How is this one progressing? I take, it it'll be a pre-requisite for a website update which also offers vanilla upstream binaries as a choice?

Yes, John has started work on this but it might be a few weeks before it is complete - does the timeframe need to be faster on your end?

It would be ideal if this is ready and deployed in 2 weeks time (April 16) provided this is a prerequisite for a website update also showing upstream builds. The main concern for us would be upstream builds showing up as a choice at when the April CPU update is done. Thanks!

It would be ideal if this is ready and deployed in 2 weeks time (April 16) provided this is a prerequisite for a website update also showing upstream builds. The main concern for us would be upstream builds showing up as a choice at when the April CPU update is done. Thanks!

OK, I'll have a chat to the various team members who have worked on the API and see if we can get it out on time.

Thank you! Much appreciated.

@karianna It's been a couple of months. What's the status of this work? Would it be advisable to get somebody working on this? If so any specific pointers to requirements?

@karianna It's been a couple of months. What's the status of this work? Would it be advisable to get somebody working on this? If so any specific pointers to requirements?

Apologies for the late reply - this is really tied up with the v3 overhaul which is starting at:

@johnoliver Do we have a design doc/discussion doc for this? Even starting with a wagger definition would be good I think.

v3 does this.