
Latest release does not show latest release for all platforms

bmarwell opened this issue · 4 comments


at the time of writing, we have openjdk11 win x64 11.0.5+10.1 but openjdk11 linux x64 11.0.5+10 (notice the missing .1 at the end).

That said, this api call will output those versions each:

# win: 10.1
# linux: 10

The API spec says you can suppliy multiple values like so:

# notice: &os=linux&os=windows&release=latest

This will only output the latest version for windows, because it seems that version filtering is done first.

I think the API should return two releases in this case. If not, there should be an appropriate call "latest release for all oses, one each" and/or a hint on the website.

Thanks! :)

@johnoliver probably worth checking v3, if it's solved there then we can close this as v3 will be released soon.

This bug will not apply to v3 as v3 does not allow multiple parameters

This bug will not apply to v3 as v3 does not allow multiple parameters

OK, if v3 comes out in the next couple of weeks we can close this and migrate folks.

Thanks, works just fine :)