
Too strict parsing of tsconfig.json

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The parser crashes when encountering sections it doesn't know about - I would prefer if it passed through all options to tsc to avoid needing to update the module whenever MS introduces a new setting.

Example -

"compilerOptions": { 
    "incremental": true

   packages/adornis:typescript-compiler/typescript-compiler.js:327:13: Format of the tsconfig is invalid: Error: Unknown compiler option 'compilerOptions'.
   at TypeScriptCompiler._parseConfig (packages/adornis:typescript-compiler/typescript-compiler.js:327:13)

nevermind I goofed up

yorrd commented

😄 youre working on incremental! Amazing 🎉

yorrd commented

do we need to wait for this? just stumbled on it while doing something else


I added
"incremental": true
to my tsconfig.json file and it seems to just work (I have tested in watch mode for meteor test and meteor run). No further work needed unless you want to make it a default setting.

yorrd commented

how do you make sure it's actually running incrementally? Might that just be the old barbatus cache?

Where is your .tsbuildinfo-file?