
Arduino Library for momentary push button

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Library for momentary push button, allows to detect the state of the button: the number of clicks or if it is held and to assign functions to each state.

Supports AVR and ESP8266 platform


Create the main instance "bpDebounce_management"

bpDebounce_management  _bpDebounce_management;


adding a buutton

  • void addBp(int pin, boolean pullup, uint8_t mode, int & result);
       int pin          = boardp in of the button
       boolean pullup   = if the buton is wiring as puulup or pulldown
       uint8_t mode     = INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP 
       int & result     = return the postion of the button instance 
        _bpDebounce_management.addBp(D1, false, INPUT, result);

adding a callback function

  • void callback(int bp, mBPDc mod, _BP_callbackFunc func);
    int bp                  = postion of the buton instance 
    mBPDc mod               = state of the button
    _BP_callbackFunc func   = function
    _bpDebounce_management.callback(result, mBPDc_click_1, _test_p_21);


  • void loop();


  • addBp(int pin, boolean pullup, uint8_t mode, int & result);
    • initialise a button
  • loop();
    • loop of all buttons
  • print();
    • print statu of all buttons
  • callback(int bp, mBPDc mod, _BP_callbackFunc func);
    • attribue or change a function of the button state
  • callback_toglle(int bp, mBPDc mod);
    • ativate/desctivate the function of the button state

Little example

#include <adri_bpDebounce.h>

bpDebounce_management  _bpDebounce_management;

void _test_p_1()    {Serial.print(F("\tSP 1\n"));}
void _test_p_21()   {Serial.print(F("\tSP 21\n"));}
void _test_p_22()   {Serial.print(F("\tSP 22\n"));}
void _test_p_23()   {Serial.print(F("\tSP 23\n"));}
void _test_p_2l()   {Serial.print(F("\tSP 2l\n"));}
void _test_p_2le()  {Serial.print(F("\tSP 2le\n"));}
void setup()
    int result;
    _bpDebounce_management.addBp(D1, false, INPUT, result);
    _bpDebounce_management.callback(result, mBPDc_click_1, _test_p_1);
    _bpDebounce_management.addBp(D2, true, INPUT_PULLUP, result);
    _bpDebounce_management.callback(result, mBPDc_click_1, _test_p_21);
    _bpDebounce_management.callback(result, mBPDc_click_2, _test_p_22);
    _bpDebounce_management.callback(result, mBPDc_click_3, _test_p_23);
    _bpDebounce_management.callback(result, mBPDc_longCick_stard, _test_p_2l);
    _bpDebounce_management.callback(result, mBPDc_longCick_end, _test_p_2le);

void loop()


adri_timer = https://github.com/AdriLighting/adri_timer adri_bpDebounce = https://github.com/AdriLighting/adri_bpDebounce
Dependency Graph
|-- [adri_bpDebounce] 1.0.0 | |-- [adri_timer] 1.0.0 |-- [adri_timer] 1.0.0