
Test that current version of PyLabRobot is appropriate test/hypothesis template

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Step 1: hypothesis

  • We believe that a standard inexpensive, mass produced CNC machine is suitable for an inoculating robot
  • Hypothesis importance (score from 1 to 3)
  • Score 3

Step 2: Test

  • To verify that, we will.. culture different colonies on a standard 85 mm Petri dish. <here goes your experiment design,
    you can also use sketches and images>
  • Test cost (from 1 to 3) 2
  • Data reliability (score from 1 to 3) 2

Step3: Metric

  • And measure..we can seed >100 distinct colonies as close as 2 mm apart without contamination...
  • Time required 2+ weeks

Step 4: Criteria
We are right if...we can program the robot using standard software and create and visualize the colonies..

Learning documentation

Step 5: Observation

  • We observed that ..... there is an OS software that supports many robots. There are some opened issues but it seems robust enough to be used.

Step 6: Learning and insights

  • From what we learned that .... keeps track of dimensions and distances and they can be accessed programmatically.

Step 7:

  • Therefore, we will ... <what you will do after capturing this insight, perhaps new prototypes or different types of tests>

It's usable.