
404 Not Found error on all mirror URLs

AmperAndSand opened this issue · 8 comments

I'm getting a 404 Not Found error on all the hosts file mirror URLs. e.g. on I get this error message:

Not Found
The requested URL /bluGo was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

@AmperAndSand We have removed all mirrors due to heavy load on our servers, we host our files over at Github only !!

@AmperAndSand We have removed all mirrors due to heavy load on our servers, we host our files over at Github only !!

I see. Some hosts file managers like AdAway won't recognize hosts files hosted in GitHub, though. This is also mentioned in the Energized Github page.

@AmperAndSand We have removed all mirrors due to heavy load on our servers, we host our files over at Github only !!

I see. Some hosts file managers like AdAway won't recognize hosts files hosted in GitHub, though. This is also mentioned in the Energized Github page.

what hosts?

i'm using adaway add spark & ABPindo filter working very well on my android

what hosts?

i'm using adaway add spark & ABPindo filter working very well on my android

BluGo, like I mentioned in my initial post. What URL are you using for Spark? Also, what AdAway version are you using? I just checked and it also shows a 404 Not Found error message. ABPindo filter is not hosted in the domain. Adaway 4.2.3

It doesn't seem to auto-update. I have to manually apply it in order to work. I tried that URL, same AdAway version as yours. Check the status in Hosts sources. It might not actually be automatically updating. Error is: "Unknown update status." Doesn't work for other HOSTS file hosted in Github ( domain) too. The current fix is not yet available as per these AdAway issues: AdAway/AdAway#1034 AdAway/AdAway#700

If the server does not send the Last-Modified header, AdAway can't find the last update time.

If I recall, I think it's just a visual glitch but I can't remember. To test, uncheck all of your lists & hit apply. Then go into a file manager and navigate to /system/etc/ and the hosts file should be 0kb or whatever. Next, try applying just one of the raw.github... lists and go back into that system/etc folder & see if the hosts file is bigger. You can even open the file in a text editor to see the list.

If the file contains a blocklist , then the list still gets applied, Adaway just doesn't graphically show it.

@jawz101 Mirrors are deprecated due to unaffordable load on our webserver..
We only have our github links for now..