
Google Pay: shipping address not tracked to Adyen console

dimakpoq opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
The Shipping address isn't tracked to Adyen console when running the demo app, 'Shopper details' list in the console doesn't show it, I can only see IP and Shopper country/region fields there.

To Reproduce
Launch the live-integrations-adyen server from this source setting it up with appropriate test credentials.
Modify the adyen-android-google-pay-checkout-demo app from this source with adding the appropriate clientKey and change configuration to show Shipping Address form on Google Pay screen. Run app, select any mock Shipping address, and commit payment with a Google-provided test Card.

    private fun getGooglePayConfiguration(googlePaySession: GooglePaySession): GooglePayConfiguration {
        return GooglePayConfiguration.Builder(
            shopperLocale = googlePaySession.shopperLocale,
            environment = googlePaySession.environment,
            clientKey = googlePaySession.clientKey,
            .setShippingAddressRequired(true) // <---

Order is tracked to the console, but 'Shopper details' in the console does not list the Shipping address.

Expected behavior
'Shopper details' in the console to list the Shipping address.

Shipping address selection is visible in the app, and test order succeeds.

Hi @dimakpoq, thanks for reaching out. I just want to clarify one point, when you mention the Adyen console do you mean the customer area? If that is true and you don't see any issue on the SDK side then please reach out to our support team and they should be able to help you troubleshoot this better.

Hi @dimakpoq , do you still need any help with this issue?

Thank you, we are currently checking with the support team.

Please reopen this if you need any help from our side.