
[BUG] ComponentError.cancelled triggered on opening external application

cdelmer opened this issue · 8 comments

Describe the bug

We're seeing a spike of issues primarily affecting bcmc_mobile and vipps where the components are sending an ComponentError.cancelled error, even though the payment gets authorized later through a notification.

From tracking events we were able to deduct that:
AdyenActionComponent.handle(_ action: Action) is called
ActionComponentDelegate.didOpenExternalApplication(component: ActionComponent) is not called
ActionComponentDelegate.didFail(with error: Error, from component: ActionComponent) is called with ComponentError.cancelled error.

To Reproduce
We can't figure out exactly in what configuration this happens, but from conversation with affected users:

  1. Select bcmc_mobile
  2. Authorise payment in bank app
  3. Our app opens again and user will see an error resulting from ActionComponentDelegate.didFail(with error: Error, from component: ActionComponent) method

We logged the error caught in didFail method in Crashlytics; the following screenshots are for one of the users affected by this issue
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 20 32 31
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 09 42 41


  • iOS Version: > 14
  • SDK Version: 5.6.0
  • Package management system: SPM
  • Xcode version: 15.2

Hi @cdelmer,
From what I can see the BrowserComponent is invoked which should not be the case for the bcmc_mobile flow.
Which might be caused by url of the RedirectAction being a http(s) url instead of a "deeplink".

To be able to dive deeper into this issue we might need some additional info.
Could you please get in touch with the technical support team to provide more information?


Hey @goergisn,

The technical support team has sent us to github. Please check case 03634911, contains a few psp references. We can provide more examples if needed.


Hi @aifrim-tgtg
perfect I will check and get back to you asap :)

Hey @goergisn,

Any news on this?


Good morning @aifrim-tgtg,

We are looking into it but I don't have any updates on it yet.
I'll keep you posted here as soon as I know more.

In the meantime it might be interesting for the technical support team to know when this behavior started and/or if any update of api/sdk happened.


Yes, we migrated from 4.11.1 to 5.4.1 (and now to 5.7.0). The issue started with 5.4.1

Hi @aifrim-tgtg,
We just released 5.8.0 which contains a fix that might have lead to the behavior that you reported.

Closing the ticket for now - Please let us know if you can still observe the issue after upgrading :)