
App crashes when you tap the tutorial really fast

Opened this issue · 1 comments


when you tap the tutorial really fast the app crashes. This happens because the cleanup method is called before all animations did finish. I fixed this issue by implementing the Quartzcore framework and add the line [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self] in the init method. Then I added the two methods

  • (void) animationDidStart:(CAAnimation *)anim
  • (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation *)anim finished:(BOOL)flag

This allows me to set a BOOL isAnimting whenever the animation starts or stops.

Then I changed the swipeOrStopTapInWindow method like this:


warning animation should stop before running this line

    [self animateToNextTutorialStepOrStop];


Maybe you can try this and add this to your code.

Kind regards


Hi! And thanks a lot for the report.
I can test it locally for that bug and try your approach to fix it.

I'll try that soon™ 👍