After running an uploaded workflow and navigating away from page, can't download results
Closed this issue · 1 comments
The current behavior or issue
After running an uploaded workflow and navigating away from the Workflow listing page, or returning to the landing page from the details page, the results can't be downloaded.
The steps taken to reproduce the behavior or issue, or specify a location where the steps were recorded
Save, upload, and run a workflow; or upload and run an existing workflow. Wait until the workflow completes. Click the logo to go to the landing page and navigate to the Workflows listing page. The job is listed with the download image to the right of the listing. Clicking on the download image doesn't do anything
Expected behavior
If the workflow has completed and has results, downloading the results should be possible
Add other supporting information that may be useful
Completion criteria
This is done when always able to download the results of a completed workflow that's listed
GitHub path: AgPipeline/Atlana@1f7732d