
Display TV with Delimiter error

yanqpl opened this issue · 6 comments

Unfortunately, there is a problem with displaying template variables in the news / search results list
I have TV call time with input type - checkbox, delimiter ,<br>
Input Output Values:

When I try to display it in the search results with [+tv.time+], it unfortunately displays without the separator ie.

But when i display it on subpage with [*time*] works fine and gives a result ie.

cimt commented

Hi @Pathologic
I have the same result!
please read here:

Or what should the call look like?

&renderTv=time1,Delimiter List ???
&renderTv=Delimiter, <br> ???

I have no idea... SORRY! - renderTv

Thanks for reply, when i added a renderTV parameter and still not working i have this same results ie. "Value2||Value3"

My code looks like below


Any ideas? It's important to finish my project.


cimt commented

@Pathologic ...oh man, thank you!
I wrote it like in the documentation, then it can't work either!
&renderTv instead of &renderTV