06 - 04 - Roshambo!
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Agent-Banks commented
Create a Roshambo (Rock-Paper-Scissors) game.
- Work with JavaScript and the DOM
- Practice conditional logic
See the Wikipedia page about
Rock, Paper, Scissors
How to get started
- Get familiar with rock, paper, scissors if you haven't played before (or in a while)
- Draw out on paper/whiteboard/computer the rough design of your application
- See Explorer Mode for the UI requirements
- Start by placing all the HTML elements on the page
- Style the user interface
- Write out in English, ALL the steps the application needs to take
- For example "When user one clicks on Rock, remember that user one chooses
- For example "When user one clicks on Rock, remember that user one chooses
Explorer Mode
Part 1
NOTE: Complete part 1 before moving on to part 2
- There should be three buttons for Player One: Rock, Paper, Scissors
- There should be three buttons for Player Two: Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Player One should be able to select their throw
- Player Two should be able to select their throw
- After both players make their selection, I should be told who won and the game should be over.
Part 2
- You have heard about Rock, Paper, Scissors, but have you tried
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock?
Modify your game to allow the extra options! - Have fun with the CSS by adding colors, animations, and effects to make the
game more enjoyable
Part 3
- Find at least THREE codewar you have not completed from our daily warmups and complete them. If you don't have THREE incomplete codewar warmups, find some new ones to tackle. I encourage for those who want an extra level of challenge, just let me know which codewar you are solving.
- For each, copy your solution into a gist: See https://gist.gitub.com and include those links in your homework comment.
Adventure Mode
- Your game is currently only 1 vs 1, add the ability to add more computer or users players to the game
Agent-Banks commented
Agent-Banks commented