
TPC-C Load fails via proxy

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The load works with mysql-router but will not work with mysql-proxy-rs and here is the error from our TPCC:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading into table 'item' with SQL: INSERT IGNORE INTO `item` (i_id,i_im_id,i_name,i_price,i_data) VALUES (1,2816,'A6orZi0q5MGNmqNcMO',76.14,'k5LFMuM05JbY3ztNZa4Y5r8L0rU0VrpwVQpMPlP0g76MEVBspS'),(2,896,'Q78ZjbjJa3DJuUgWhZw',36.62,'aXQNsiRyGQZHJlNjgpLlWm2CpoSJR'),(3,9431,'7JZrAOnIHSVoYPwp1sLi',77.29,'Qo3aiqTrLLYutXg7NXb8YBo9cKSPyHHoOrJjWIcpsCjCRAIzmP')….( a lot more inserts here)
    at com.codefutures.tpcc.load.JdbcStatementLoader.executeBulkInsert(
    at com.codefutures.tpcc.load.JdbcStatementLoader.load(
    at com.codefutures.tpcc.Load.loadItems(
    at com.codefutures.tpcc.TpccLoad.runLoad(
    at com.codefutures.tpcc.TpccLoad.main(
Caused by: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

The last packet successfully received from the server was 4 milliseconds ago.  The last packet sent successfully to the server was 2 milliseconds ago.

all the proxy says is this:

Failed to spawn future: Error { repr: Custom(Custom { kind: Other, error: StringError("connection closed") }) }

I'm guessing this may have something to do with the current hard-coded 4K buffers or not ensuring capacity before reading into buffers

Improved: #16