
You need to add gem 'daemons' to your Gemfile

Closed this issue · 4 comments

After setting up as written in README and running cap deploy I got the following error:

You need to add gem 'daemons' to your Gemfile if you wish to use it

Naturally, adding it solved the error.

It would be great if this gem is listed as a dependency.

rab commented

I don't think that this is a dependency of capistrano3-delayed-job but of something else in your project. (It's not an error, but just a notice, I think.)

I would say it is related:
It won't work without it but one could argue that this should be integrated within the delayed_job gem itself. Anyways it would be great if this dependency could be added to this gem, as it will obviously not work without it.

rab commented

Ok @simonknoll , your pointer to the delayed_job docs has convinced me to make this a direct dependency. A new version will be out soon.

Thanks a lot @rab for fixing it! 👍