
Override Drill Config not working

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I updated the drill-override.conf with the following content:

store: {
  parquet: {
    reader: {
      int96_as_timestamp: true

(I tried with several variations, including plane store.parquet.reader.int96_as_timestamp on one line)

I launched the command to create the config map in the namespace (before deploying the chart)
I have the following configmap:

Name:         drill-config-cm
Namespace:    drill
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>


store: {
  parquet: {
    reader: {
      int96_as_timestamp: true


Events:  <none>

and I change the values.yaml to allow override.
and it seems to be taken into account, as inside the drill pods, I have this:

sh-4.2# cat /opt/drill/conf/drill-override.conf
store: {
  parquet: {
    reader: {
      int96_as_timestamp: true

However, once I connect to drill web UI, I still have the value false:
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