
Distorted Sound when receiving recorded audioframe

winstondu opened this issue · 4 comments

In summary: Check out This project lightly modifies @CavanSu 's example code to add voice recording functionality, in order to demonstrate the issue I am talking about.

Our app uses the chatRoomGaming Audio Profile in order to filter out background game sounds and other noises from the chat.

Currently, we want a method of recording the local user's voice (and only the local user's voice) when they are on a call. While we could obviously do so by tapping the unprocessed audio from iOS, we want to record the Agora-processed version of the local user's microphone audio that used Agora's chatRoomGaming audio profile filters.

In other words, we imagine the flow to be like this:

Unprocessed Mic Audio ----------(Agora Processing with profile) -------------> Processed Mic Audio (we want this) ---------> Agora Servers

I looked into the AudioFrameObserver api. In particular the onRecordAudioFrame function should have done the trick.

However, there is (what I believe to be) a bug: because I called setAudioProfile(.musicStandardStereo, scenario: .chatRoomGaming), the recorded voice is extremely distorted. It is a bug because if I never called the setAudioProfile command, the recorded audio is completely fine. In fact, if I change the setAudioProfile call even slightly, to setAudioProfile(**.speechStandard**, scenario: .chatRoomGaming), the recorded audio is fine as well.

The thing is, I can't not call setAudioProfile, since not calling it would mean I no longer benefit from the .chatRoomgGaming audio profile's background noise suppression on my Agora calls.

Sample Audio File.
In the following file, I recorded myself saying the words "testing, testing, testing", and this was the result:

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: any iPhone
  • OS: iOS 13.6
  • Version: Agora iOS

@CavanSu , is there something I need to change to fix the voice distortion issue (seen in Your Speech recognizer example only did remote audio, not the local recorded audio

Can you write audio data to pcm file directly? you upload mp4 file's sampleRate seems wrong @winstondu

@CavanSu , do you have a code snippet that illustrates how I can write to PCM file directly?

also, were you able to replicate my issue using my example project?

@CavanSu , I finally realized what the issue is.

For stereo channels, line 31

should have been

size_t size = audioFrame.bytesPerSample * audioFrame.samples * audioFrame.channels