
Flexible Restful api document adjustment, optimization and update

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url :

1、update “Flexible Classroom Cloud Service uses tokens for authentication. You need to put the following information to the x-agora-token and x-agora-uid fields when sending your HTTP request:
The Signaling token generated at your server.
The uid you use to generate the Signaling token.
For details, see Generate an RTM Token.”

 to “Flexible Classroom Cloud Service uses tokens for authentication. You need to put the following information to the Authorization: agora token= field when sending your HTTP request:

For details, see the link below:”


2、Remove "-H 'x-agora-uid: {rtmToken}'" in all examples
There are six places in total.

3、Get the recording list​ :
Response parameters
“type: Integer, the recording type:
1: Individual Recording
2: Composite Recording”
“type: Integer, the recording type:
3:Web Page Recording”

Response example update to this:"
"msg": "Success",
"code": 0,
"ts": 1706091167911,
"data": {
"total": 1,
"list": [
"recordId": "sssssssssss",
"appId": "sssssssssss",
"roomUuid": "sssssssssss",
"startTime": 1706079930586,
"endTime": 1706081355989,
"resourceId": "443322222",
"sid": "sssssssssss",
"recordUid": "sssssssssss",
"type": 3,
"status": 2,
"url": "https://xxxxxxxx.m3u8",
"recordDetails": [
"url": "xxxxxxxxx.mp4"
"webRecordUrlQuery": "xxxxxxx"
"count": 1