
Object prototype may only be an Object or null

pmagnussen opened this issue ยท 19 comments

I keep getting this issue when running the demo app:
'Object prototype may only be an Object or null'. It's in the AgoraRtcEngineModule.js file on line 3.

I get the same error on a new react-native project. Any idea what it might be?


Getting Error trying to add this classes in my project

I am experiencing this same issue, really need to get this implemented...

I am also getting same issue . Please provide a solution to this .

Getting the same error running the demo app. Please help.

same here any help about it ???

cmder commented

try to run npm install in the root directory of the project

tried it nothing happened
same error


tried it nothing happened
same error

cmder commented

Have u add the Agora SDK to the specific directory and build the android project in Android Studio properly?

Have u add the Agora SDK to the specific directory and build the android project in Android Studio properly?

yes i take the demo files and i run it and it give me this error.

cmder commented

u mean u run the project in Android Studio ? u may not run it like that, u should run with react-native run-android

u mean u run the project in Android Studio ? u may not run it like that, u should run with reactive-native run-android

i do it on react native not in the android
i was talking about the demo react project when i run it it give me the same result
also i try to make new project and follow all the steps on the document same error

is issue resolved or not??

no still

still the same error any solution?

For all users who asked the question in this issue thread:
Today i double checked from my side to verify if everything works fine, here's what i do.

  1. clone the repo
  2. do npm install
  3. run react-native run-android

and the program can successfully start w/o this error.
I'm using android studio 3.3 + jdk 1.8

If you are doing above actions but still suffer issues. Please describe your detail step here with screenshots.

Same issue here ...

Android : Object prototype may only be an Object or null
Line : let AgoraRtcEngine = Object.create(NativeModules.AgoraRtcEngineModule);

I follow the instructions and faced it.

Same Issue here as well.

@roshansingh21 this repository has been deprecated. please use this instead