
API Reference Docs - Docs Revamp

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • The developer API product and only the developer API product needs to be documented to fulfill this rock. This requires:
    • The product owners (PM) to definitively determine what portions of the codebase are part of the developer API product & what is the rest of the platform.
    • Reference docs must be auto-generated for the entire developer API product.
    • Code examples for all portions of the developer API product must be linked from the relevant sections of the docs site. Code examples can be a mix of inline examples on the docs site, links to relevant lines of contracts or sample dapps.
dckc commented

tasks that come to mind:

  • Publish initial typedoc for endo:
  • Publish initial typedoc for agoric-sdk
    • choose URL
    • continuous deployment
  • Publish initial typedoc for ui-kit
    • choose URL
    • continuous deployment
  • Gap analysis: what does dapp-offer-up use that we don’t have acceptable reference doc for?
    For example: is reference doc for E acceptable?
  • Gap analysis: what does dapp-agoric-basics use that we don’t have acceptable reference doc for?
  • which APIs in the initial typedoc are not part of the developer API product?
    • endo
    • agoric-sdk
    • ui-kit
  • #319
  • Agoric/agoric-sdk#8852
dckc commented

stretch goal: