
Javascript error when loading ipns sutty site

sutty-coop opened this issue · 3 comments


Had the ipns site already up and running and got this error by adding customization and publishing changes on sutty, then attempting to reload the page (didn't see the changes) then go backwards and forwards (after this agregore froze)

Mind posting the version/OS/URL for this as well?

Also are there any errors in the network tab of the console?

Also, does this error pop up every time you load the page?

The error doesn't pop up every time I load the page, in fact I was trying to reproduce this one when I got the other error I posted. They both seem to be temporary.
Agregore version is 2.1.0, OS is Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS.
url is ipns://

Was able to reproduce just now. I was on an article and edited the url to go back to home page. Cant open the console as agregore seems to be only half responding in this state (dropdown menus appear blank)