
Dialogue text bug fixes and improvements

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Bug fixes:

  • Fix that the first part of the dialogue (player name) gets printed directly, and make it get printed normally letter-by-letter
  • Fix that if I press next to go to a new level before the last sub-script has ended, The last sub-script continues with me (gets printed when I get into the new level)


  • Refactor the code for the player name entry logic to make the variable names clear and the also the logic clear
  • Add back the INSERT or any other button to skip to the end of the dialogue, preferably another one to skip to the next action that will happen in this script (editing in the edit window or entering a command)
  • Add a way that if I press on (Down arrow) while the script is still running I make the current sub-script that is being printed, get printed directly rather than continuing to get printed word-by-word (Like how the player name currently happens)
  • I think the blinking feature that you added in the dialogue is great, but I think it gets kind of distractive while you are trying to read the dialogue, So I think either making it a bit transparent using the transparency option in the Color: in SFML, so that it is less distractive, or maybe making it only start blinking if, for example, he didn't skip the level after 20 seconds of the sub-script being printed, or change the sentence "press down arrow to continue" to just a down arrow sprite, you can think of any ideas to make it less distractive and to make the reading process easier and better looking 👌🏻