
[BUG] Patient deceased or living query returns both.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
Testing if a patient is deceased or living returns both deceasedBoolean and deceasedDateTime.


Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Here is a notebook

Expected behavior

  • Shouldn't name be an exact match? Replacing it with given has the same behavior.
  • GET /fhir/Patient?name=Max&deceased=false should return Maxine only if name is not an exact match.
  • GET /fhir/Patient?name=Max&deceased=true should return Max only. Since Max has a deceasedDateTime it is implied that deceased=true.


KGOH commented

@rmhayek fixed on the :edge. Please pull the newest image and check if the fox works for you

@KGOH - It works to retrieve deceased=false, but does not retrieve patient that has deceasedDateTime in resource and in query we pass deceased=true parameter.

you can use following Search resource instead of Patient.deceased search parameter

resourceType: Search
id: Patient.deceased
name: deceased
  id: Patient
  resourceType: Entity
where: "{{table}}.resource ?? 'deceased' AND NOT {{table}}.resource @> '{\"deceased\": {\"boolean\": false}}'"

With the Search resource, the REST API only returns resources that have { "deceased" : {"dateTime": "xyz"}.
So GET /fhir/Patient?deceased=false always returned deceased patients.

I tested this with HAPI FHIR test server, if I specify:
GET /fhir/Patient?deceased=false : it returns all patients that don't have deceased.boolean field and deceased.boolean=false.
GET /fhir/Patient?deceased=true : it returns all patients that have deceased.dateTime and deceased.boolean=true.

With following Search resource:
GET /fhir/Patient?deceased=false returns all patients that don't have deceased field (boolean or dateTime) or patients with deceased.boolean=false.
GET /fhir/Patient?deceased=true returns all patients that have deceased.dateTime and deceased.boolean=true.

resourceType: Search
id: Patient.deceased
name: deceased
  id: Patient
  resourceType: Entity
where: "coalesce((resource#>>'{deceased,boolean}')::boolean, resource ?? 'deceased', false) = {{param}}"

Thanks @spicyfalafel - this works very well! Would that be part of a future product release or do I have to create the Search resource in every environment?