pure mouse resizing from the gaps (like when dragging from the window borders)
quantenzitrone opened this issue · 1 comments
quantenzitrone commented
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Current Behavior
In i3 and i3-gaps, it is possible to resize windows by perfectly hitting the border of a window and then dragging.
When dragging from the gaps, nothing happens.
Desired Behavior
I think it should also be possible to resize windows from the gaps.
I don't think this is that important since probably not a lot of people are using the pure mouse resizing, since it can be made easier with alt+right-click.
Tho, I still think not being able to resize from the gaps but from the window borders is an unintuitive and odd behavior.
[ ] This feature requires new configuration and/or commands
Output of i3 --moreversion 2>&-
i3 version: 4.20.1
- Linux Distribution & Version: NixOS 22.11.20220810.3a11db5 - Are you using a compositor (e.g., xcompmgr or compton): no
Airblader commented
I'm closing this issue has i3-gaps is being migrated into i3. If this issue still applies, please reopen it in i3.