device not detected
ambroribo opened this issue · 12 comments
hi to all !
I uploaded all the examples on my ESP but there is no way to get Alexa detecting ESP devices: I did the following:
power on/off the Echo Dot ( genuine )
reload the sketches several time
verified the home WIFI connection OK : iI do see the IP on the serial terminal
uninstall several time the alexa App from my mobile
Alexa sees the other SonOff devices but not the ESP
I used the NodeMscu and the ESP_07
I will very much appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance
the problem seem to be solved using 2.7 library.
Now all the ESP devices are detected by Echo Dot.
no, since yesterday it (2.7.0)doesn't work again
I did try about three hpurs ago and it is working well using echo Dot 3 and ESP _07 selected as general esp 8266.
Esp8266 Wemos mini D1 with fully featured example, Echo plus gen 2 all 5 Espalexa-devices are detected
@anrada73: sometimes a further remove/deleted "old" device is not really deleted in the database.
You can't see it in the alexa-app, but on the website "" (on smart-home page) , which must be removed there.
Facing same issue. Please help
Alexa (echo dot 4, echo show 10, echo show 8) erkennt neue Wled Geräte nicht mehr. Egal welche Version. Bereits erkannte Funktionen aber weiterhin.
So, I was facing the same issue and then I decided to look into the fauxmo library.
Looking into its issues, I read something interesting that perhaps can also help here: vintlabs/fauxmoESP#166 (comment)
It seems that:
"Alexa doesn't like the 12-hex digit syntax of our "uniqueid" field any longer apparently.
Espalexa community member @oponyx found that the syntax "uniqueid":"F0:08:D1:D8:3B:00:00:11-01" causes the device to be found and controllable again, which I can confirm."
I used the latest version from the fauxmo and it worked perfectly, so maybe this could help... I hope so.
@Matheus-Alvarenga that fix is already implemented in Espalexa 2.7.0 too, so it should help. If Espalexa does not work for you, but Fauxmo does, we need to look into how Fauxmos responses differ from Espalexa's.
@Ex-Berliner welche WLED Version benutzt du? Mit der neuen 0.12.0 (im Moment Betaversion 5) sollte es durch die Verwendung von Espalexa 2.7.0 wieder funktionieren.
@Aircoookie ich habe die 0.11.1 benutzt weil die sehr stabil läuft. Hatte testweise die 0.12.0-b4 genommen (vor dem Flash immer mit einem blank file alles gelöscht) weil ich dachte das Amazon wieder etwas geändert hat.
Über die wled App und den iobroker läuft es einwandfrei. Nur eben über alexa nich.
Habe auch die Echos einzeln getestet.
Werde mich morgen nochmal daran versuchen.
Edit. Der sonoff basic läuft mit der esp01 bin.
Wemos Mini d1 funktioniert mit der 8266 bin.
Danke für eure hilfe
Hi, I have same problem , i have 2 echodot and all of them doesn't work after update to last version 2.7.0 , please i have a graduation project it's depend on Alexa with the ESP heeeeeeeeeeeelp me
la primera vez que cargue el archivo .ino funciono correctamente luego de unos minutos cargue otro ino y ya no cargo ni reconoce ningun dispositivo con alexa tambien he probado con todas las versiones y ninguna esta funcionando. mi pregunta es que tan estable es este metodo o si abra soluciones en un futuro