WebRTC player not working with the new Docker image 0.16.7
Allenille opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
I was evaluating the OvenMediaEngine solution to replace our Antmedia server and I was using the 0.16.6 Docker image for my tests and development. This morning when I deployed my local stack with the new OME 0.16.7 it appears that the WebRTC player was not able to work anymore.
I did not change the Server.xml but only changed the version of the Docker image and when I switch back to the previous version 0.16.6 everything is working fine.
I also tried to test the server through OvenRtcTester and it did not work either.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Set Server.xml as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Server version="8">
<!-- Host type (origin/edge) -->
<!-- Specify IP address to bind (* means all IPs) -->
<!-- Settings for the ports to bind -->
If you want to stream WebRTC over TCP, specify IP:Port for TURN server.
This uses the TURN protocol, which delivers the stream from the built-in TURN server to the player's TURN client over TCP.
For detailed information, refer https://airensoft.gitbook.io/ovenmediaengine/streaming/webrtc-publishing#webrtc-over-tcp
<!-- TcpForce is an option to force the use of TCP rather than UDP in WebRTC streaming. (You can omit ?transport=tcp accordingly.) If <TcpRelay> is not set, playback may fail. -->
<!--Distribution is a value that can be used when grouping the same vhost distributed across multiple servers. This value is output to the events log, so you can use it to aggregate statistics. -->
<!-- Settings for multi ip/domain and TLS -->
<!-- Settings for applications -->
<!-- Application type (live/vod) -->
<!-- Enable this configuration if you want to hardware acceleration using GPU -->
<RTMP />
Here is my docker compose file:
version: '3.6'
context: .
image: airensoft/ovenmediaengine:0.16.7
- "1935:1935/tcp" # RTMP Provider
- "3333:3333/tcp" # WebRTC Signaling / LLHLS
- "3478:3478/tcp" # WebRTC TURN
- "10000-10004:10000-10004/udp" # WebRTC Candidate
- omenet
restart: always
# Uncomment the following line to use your own configuration file (./origin_conf/Server.xml)
- ./origin_conf:/opt/ovenmediaengine/bin/origin_conf
command: /opt/ovenmediaengine/bin/OvenMediaEngine -c origin_conf
image: airensoft/ovenplayerdemo:latest
- omenet
- 8090:80
driver: bridge
- Then I use OBS with rtmp ; rtmp://localhost:1935/app with the stream key=stream
- Then I launch the player with ws://localhost:3333/app/stream
_single-server-origin-1_logs (1).txt
I also tried the new Docker image on a cloud VM and it did not work either :(
Thanks to you, I realized that my test code was included in the release of 0.16.7. I fixed it urgently and released 0.16.8. Our build system will upload the new docker shortly. Thanks.