
run commands from neovim telescope

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

RunCMD Telescope extension



The extension loads commands from vim.g.runcmd_commands, vim.w.runcmd_commands and vim.b.runcmd_commands. A command must have a name property, which will be displayed in the telescope window. A cmd property which will be executed when the item selected and an optional description which will be also displayed in the telescope window next to the name.

A cmd can be a lua function or a user command as string.

To open the configured commands, use :Telescope runcmd command.

With the FileType autocommand you can add commands only for specific filetypes by adding commands to vim.b.runcmd_commands.

You can use the require("runcmd.picker").open({ results = { ... }}) to open the picker with any command.

For more see the examples below

Predefined commands

Some predfined commands provided by the plugin:

  • lsp: functions provided by the builtin lsp server


local runcmd = require("runcmd")
local telescope = require("telescope")

-- general wrapper to put string to the cursor
function insert_at_cursor(lines)
  return vim.api.nvim_put(lines, "", false, true)

-- function to insert the current date to the cursor with the given format
function insert_date_str(format)
  return insert_at_cursor({vim.fn.strftime(format)})

-- insert uuid to the cursor position
function insert_uuid()
  return insert_at_cursor(vim.fn.systemlist("uuid | tr -d '\n'"))

vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("UUID", insert_uuid, {})

-- global commands
vim.g.runcmd_commands = {
    -- lua function command
    { name = "UUID", cmd = insert_uuid, description = "Insert UUID" },
    { name = "Date", cmd = function() insert_date_str("%Y-%m-%d") end, description = "Insert date" },
    { name = "Time", cmd = function() insert_date_str("%H-%M-%S") end, description = "Insert time" },
    { name = "Date Time", cmd = function() insert_date_str("%Y-%d-%m %H-%M-%S") end, description = "Insert date time" },
    -- predefined user command (vim-fugitive)
    { name = "Git", cmd = "Git", description = "Open Git" },
    -- subcommands
        name = "Lsp ->",
        cmd = function()
            local picker = require('runcmd.picker')
                results = require('runcmd.commands.lsp'),
        description = "Language Server commands",

-- commands for specific filetype
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FileType" }, {
    pattern = {"ledger"},
    callback = function()
        vim.b.runcmd_commands = {
                name = "Align Buffer",
                cmd = "LedgerAlignBuffer",
                description = "Aligns the commodity for each posting in the entire buffer",

-- map to hotkey key <leader>cmd
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cmd", ":Telescope runcmd<cr>", {buffer = true})