
Switch to monolithic script?

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The original concept of separate scripts for every format is was intended to simplify implementing new formats. It is however becoming a bit of an issue to maintain. It may be worth looking into a solution for integrating all formats into a single script with a format parameter somehow. A new method for declaring formats would need to be created.

Extracting files is where this would get more complicated since the format decode could really just be defined with variables. Extracting requires customs code for each format which is not as simple to handle and indefinite amount of.

I use a single bash script and use PGM=$(basename $0) to detect which symlink it was started with. Then a case statement sets up the drive, cyls, heads and whatnot to hand off to gw. I only read to .scp though, so that makes it easier to deal with. I then let HxC write the proper disk image.