
The color wheel target does not place itself correctly when the initial color is one that is not directly on the wheel

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I've noticed a slight issue when using AskColor. When you set the initial color to a value that isn't achievable by just moving the wheel target, so you also have to adjust the slider below the wheel to get it, then the target places itself to the middle of the wheel.

I could imagine that it might be possible to place the target to the correct spot and also adjust the slider accordingly.

For example color #82680a – I got it from pointing the target to #ffcd15 and moving the slider roughly to the middle, so I'd like to have it that when you enter #82680a as the initial color, it would place the target on #ffcd15 and also move the slider to its correct position.

This is of course assuming that the color #82680a can be obtained by moving with the slider on exactly one spot. That means that I can get #82680a by moving the slider when the target is exclusively at #ffcd15 and nowhere else. Otherwise it wouldn't be much of an improvement compared to the current state if you'd have to randomly choose one spot for the target which the color is available from.

I'd say the only exception to this is black which is achievable from anywhere by lowering the slider all the way down, so in that case, just put the target to the middle and have the slider at zero.

Would that be possible? Thank you very much!