
更新秋叶包后出现了TypeError: Value after * must be an iterable, not NoneType

yangl5619 opened this issue · 0 comments

用秋叶整合包1.8版本最新版本,使用animatediff都会报错,TypeError: Value after * must be an iterable, not NoneType

Loading VAE weights specified in settings: F:\sd-webui-aki-v4.6\models\VAE\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors
Applying attention optimization: xformers... done.
Model loaded in 1.3s (create model: 0.2s, apply weights to model: 0.8s).
2024-03-12 21:47:13,309 - ControlNet - �[0;32mINFO�[0m - ControlNet UI callback registered.
*** Error executing callback ui_tabs_callback for F:\sd-webui-aki-v4.6\extensions\sd-webui-supermerger\scripts\supermerger.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\sd-webui-aki-v4.6\modules\script_callbacks.py", line 180, in ui_tabs_callback
res += c.callback() or []
File "F:\sd-webui-aki-v4.6\extensions\sd-webui-supermerger\scripts\supermerger.py", line 406, in on_ui_tabs
mgallery, mgeninfo, mhtmlinfo, mhtmllog = create_output_panel("txt2img", opts.outdir_txt2img_samples)
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable OutputPanel object

Running on local URL:

To create a public link, set share=True in launch().
*** Error executing callback app_started_callback for F:\sd-webui-aki-v4.6\extensions\sd-webui-supermerger\scripts\GenParamGetter.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\sd-webui-aki-v4.6\modules\script_callbacks.py", line 153, in app_started_callback
c.callback(demo, app)
File "F:\sd-webui-aki-v4.6\extensions\sd-webui-supermerger\scripts\GenParamGetter.py", line 90, in get_params_components
TypeError: Value after * must be an iterable, not NoneType