
A Go-based tool that monitors blockchain transactions for specific addresses and sends notifications via Telegram.


  • Real-time transaction monitoring on multiple blockchain networks (Base, Fantom)
  • Telegram notifications for buy/sell transactions
  • Configurable watch addresses
  • Direct links to DexScreener and DEX trading interfaces
  • Automatic filtering of USDC transactions
  • Customizable polling intervals


  • Go 1.x or higher
  • Telegram Bot Token
  • Telegram Chat ID


  1. Clone the repository:

2. Create an `app.env` file in the project root with the following variables:



Run the application with the following command:

go run main.go --chain <chain_name> --address <wallet_address>

Command Line Arguments

  • --chain: Specify the blockchain network (required)
    • Supported values: base, fantom
  • --address: Wallet address to monitor (optional)
    • Default: "0x2433f77f39815849ede7959c7c43d876242cc4bc"


go run main.go --chain base --address

Project Structure

  • main.go: Application entry point
  • config/: Configuration management
  • transaction/: Transaction parsing and processing
  • telegram/: Telegram bot integration
  • ticker/: Transaction monitoring scheduler
  • chain/: Chain-specific configurations

Telegram Notifications

The bot sends notifications with the following information:

  • Token name
  • Blockchain network
  • Transaction type (Buy/Sell)
  • Interactive buttons for:
    • Trading on the configured DEX
    • Viewing on DexScreener


Supported Chains

The application currently supports:

  • Base Network (BaseScan)
  • Fantom Network (FTMScan)

Monitoring Interval

The default monitoring interval is set to 10 seconds. You can modify this in main.go:

ticker := ticker.NewTicker(cfg, 10*time.Second)

Error Handling

The application includes robust error handling for:

  • Network requests
  • Transaction parsing
  • Configuration loading
  • Telegram API interactions


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


[Add your license information here]


  • goquery for HTML parsing
  • telego for Telegram bot integration
  • viper for configuration management

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the project, including installation instructions, usage examples, and configuration details. You may want to add more specific details about:

1. License information
2. Additional chain support instructions
3. Deployment guidelines
4. Contributing guidelines
5. Any specific security considerations

Let me know if you'd like me to expand on any section or add additional information!