
No support for 1.76?

Opened this issue · 13 comments

I just tried to access the Webkit Playground with my 1.76 console.
Using the DNS did not work unfortunately. Having 108.61.... as primary loaded the page just a bit (only the girl appeared), but could not select anything.
With the other IP as primary, nothing at all worked. Do I really have to update the console to get this worked or did I forget anything at the setups?

I did empty Browsing History, Empty Cache and stuff. LAN and WiFi is same.

Try the 165 one, There was an issue where using newer JS functions resulted in the page failing to render. The 165 one is updated to a version where I went out of my way to support older FWs.

Do you mean ?
As said, I tried both. One did not load, the other not a bit.

Is there a way you know that surely works on 1.76? Maybe locally?

Hosting locally you'll have the same issue. There's some JS error that is preventing the page from rendering. I would like to get this issue fixed but have no readily available 1.76 for testing. You can access the exploit directly with and bookmark it until I'm able to figure out what is blocking it.

I would like to help you with testing,
Hope bookmarking will fix it. I'll let you know

This Link does also not work. Changing DNS has also no effect.
Guess I need to buy a 5.05 or update my console

If the direct link isn't working there is most likely something wrong with you connection/cache/etc. Because accessing it directly accesses it as a static page.

I get this error (with no DNS): wv-33910-6
Connection works with Cable. I can access the PS Handbook without DNS, but not the Browser.
Cleaning Cache and History and all does not really effect anything (or maybe i did it wrong)

Entering a DNS does not open anything, neither Handbook nor Browser

With your DNS IPs, yes.
With automatically DNS, the Error shows up

... I'm not even sure where to start... Can you access any other pages going through the DNS or just using "Easy" in the network settings?

I try to shorten it:

I have no access in the Browser, no matter if using your DNS or automatically.
Only the User Guid ("Handbook") is working with automatically DNS. With yours, it just loads the Girl on the bottom of the page.

So your browser isn't active yet... that changes things a lot.

Edit: New
Try self hosting using this. Then activate your browser.

I finally made it to make it appear in the Browser / User Guide. I am happy with that so far :D

Neither do things from Fileystem Box (Get PSN username) or sending Messages.

EDIT: The FTP connection does work.