
Flowroute messaging SDK in PHP.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


flowroute-messaging-python is a PHP SDK that provides methods to create and send an outbound SMS from a Flowroute phone number and to retrieve a Message Detail Record (MDR) using he MessageController. These methods use v2 (version 2) of the Flowroute API.

Note: This SDK does not cover searching for a set of MDRs based on a date range. For searching on a date range, see Look up a Set of Messages on the Flowroute Developer Portal.


The full documentation for the v2 Flowroute API is available here.

##Before you begin

The following are required before you can deploy the SDK.

Have your API credentials

You will need your Flowroute API credentials (Access Key and Secret Key). These can be found on the Preferences > API Control page of the Flowroute portal. If you do not have API credentials, contact mailto:support@flowroute.com.

Know your Flowroute phone number

To create and send a message, you will need your Flowroute phone number, which should be enabled for SMS. If you do not know your phone number, or if you need to verify whether or not it is enabled for SMS, you can find it on the DIDs page of the Flowroute portal.

Get a code text editor

Steps in this SDK describe creating one or more script files that allow you to execute the methods. Script files can be created either using a terminal window shell or through using a code text editor. For example, Sublime Text.

###Download Composer

Composer is used to manage the dependencies for the PHP SDK. The Composer installation file, composer.phar, can be downloaded from Composer's web site here. Download, but do not install it; only after first installing the libraries will you install Composer.

Install the libraries

Note: You must be connected to the Internet in order to install the required libraries.

  1. Open a terminal session.

  2. If needed, create a parent directory folder where you want to install the SDK.

  3. Go to the newly created directory, and run the following:


    The git clone command clones the flowroute-messaging-php repository as a sub directory within the parent folder.

  4. Change directories to the newly created flowroute-messaging-php directory.

##Install Composer

  1. Move the downloaded composer.phar file to the flowroute-messaging-php directory.

    Note: composer.phar must be in the flowroute-messaging-php directory in order to install correctly. Composer requires a composer.json file, which is included in the imported SDK to help manage dependencies.

  2. From a terminal window, run the following:

    php composer.phar install

    Composer sets up the required file structure.

With the directory structure set up and Composer installed, you can now invoke the methods to perform functions within the SDK. There are two ways of doing this.

Use the demo.php fiiles

Two demo files, demo_send.php and demo_recv.php, are included with the installed libraries. These files contain the information necessary to invoke each of the methods. You invoke the methods in either of these files by adding your API credentials to the files, then running each file from a terminal window command line:

run demo_send.php


run demo_recv.php

For information on the parameters within the file, see MessagesController.

Create a PHP file to invoke MessagesController methods

The following describes importing the SDK and setting up your API credentials. Importing the SDK allows you to instantiate the MessageController, which contains the methods used to create and send messages, and to look up an MDR. Do this by first creating a file with a code text editor, or through the terminal shell.

  1. Using a code text editor create a new file and add the following lines to the top of the file to instantiate the Controller and import the Models:

    	#Instantiate the Controllers
    	use FlowrouteMessagingLib\Controllers\MessagesController;
    	use FlowrouteMessagingLib\Models\Message;
  2. Next add the following lines to authorize your API credentials to work with the Controller:

    #Pass your API credentials
    $controller_name = new MessagesController('Access Key','Secret Key');
  3. Replace the Access Key and Secret Key variables with your Flowroute API credentials.

  4. Optionally, add a print response line to the end of the file. By adding this line, when a method is invoked, the print response displays the response on screen:

    #Print the Response

    Important: Throughout this document, response is used in method examples. response is a variable name that can be changed to a name of your own choosing. It can support an unlimited number of characters. If you choose to rename response, make sure that any method that references that variable name is also changed to use the new name. In the following example, response is changed to blob wherever response is used:

#Create and Send a Message
$message_name = new Message('To', 'From', 'Message content');
$blob = $controller->createMessage($message_name);

  1. Save the file with a PHP extension in your flowroute-messaging-php directory. For this example, the file is named createmsg.php.

  2. Add the Controller methods. See MessagesController below.

Note: In the example above, the print_r($response); and $response = $controller->getMessageLookup('recordID') are commented out. These lines are not needed if you do not need to retrieve an MDR ID for the getMessageLookup method. See getMessageLookup if you need this information.

Example PHP file

The following shows an example PHP file with all methods added. Before invoking a method, comment out any other method with # as needed. For example, you might want to comment out the createMessage method lines when invoking the getMessageLookup method, and vice versa.

		#Instantiate the Controllers
		use FlowrouteMessagingLib\Controllers\MessagesController;
		use FlowrouteMessagingLib\Models\Message;
		#Pass your API credentials
		$controller_name = new MessagesController('Access Key','Secret Key');
		#Create and Send a message
		$message_name = new Message('To', 'From', 'Message content');
		$response = $controller->createMessage($message_name);
		#Get the MDR
		$response = $controller->getMessageLookup('recordID');

		#Print the response

Run the file from the flowroute-messaging-php directory in a terminal window using the following command:

	php <PHP file name>.php


This section describes the methods contained within the MessagesController. Methods are added to your PHP file between $controller_name = new MessagesController('Access Key','Secret Key'); and print_r($response). These two methods are:

Create and send a message

The create and send message method is a two-step process. First you create the message content, and then you invoke the Controller to send the message.


Add the following two lines to your PHP file:

#Create and Send a message
$message_name = new Message('To', 'From', 'Message content');
$response = $controller->createMessage($message_name);

The method takes the following parameters:

Parameter Required Type Descriptions
$message_name True string The variable name identifying the message parameters. The variable can have any name, and there is no limit on the length. The name assigned here will then be passed in the createMessage response in the second line. The variable is further composed of the following:
  • To — The recipient's phone number as a string, which must be an E.164 11-digit number formatted as 1XXXXXXXXXX. Required.
  • From — Your Flowroute phone number, which must be an E.164 11-digit number formatted as 1XXXXXXXXXX. Required.
  • Message content—The message itself as a string. An unlimited number of characters can be used, but message length rules and encoding apply. See Message Length & Concatenation for more information. Required.
  • Example usage

    In this example, a message variable named mymessage is created. To, From, and Message content are added, then mymessage passed in $response.

    #Create and Send a message
    $mymessage = new Message('18444205700', '12062092844', 'Get some exercise!');
    $response = $controller->createMessage($mymessage);
    Example response

    One of the following occurs:

    1. If print_r($response); was commented out or not added, the message is sent to the recipient, but no other confirmation is returned, or

    2. If print_r($response); was not commented out, a response message is returned containing the record ID:

      [data] => stdClass Object
             [id] => mdr1-6bdb954473d249308d43debd4735b493

      The id can then be passed in the getMessageLookup method to return details about the message.

    3. If an error is encountered, an error message is returned. The message is not sent.

    Error response
    Error code Message Description
    401 UNAUTHORIZED The API Access Key and/or Secret Key are incorrect.
    403 FORBIDDEN The From number is incorrect.
    No error code HTTP Response Not OK Typically this error might occur when the To number is not formatted as an 11-digit E.164 number.

    getMessageLookup ($recordId)

    The getMessageLookup method is used to retrieve an MDR by passing the record identifier of a sent message. To get the message details, you must first modify the PHP file you created above.


    Add the following line to your PHP file:

    	#Get the MDR
    	$response = $controller->getMessageLookup('recordID');

    Comment out the createMessage lines as follows:

    # $mymessage = new Message('18444205700', '12062092844', 'Get some exercise!');
    # $response = $controller->createMessage($mymessage);

    Important! If you do not comment out these lines, a new SMS will be sent, creating a new record ID.

    The method is composed of the following parameter:

    Parameter Required Type Descriptions
    recordID True string The record identifier retrieved from the createMessage print response.
    Example Usage
    	#Get the MDR
    	$response = $controller->getMessageLookup('mdr1-6bdb954473d249308d43debd4735b493');
    Example response

    Note: The following shows a sample formatted response and is intended only to more easily identify the fields returned in the response.

      [data] => stdClass Object
             [attributes] => stdClass Object
                    [body] => Get some exercise!
                    [direction] => outbound
                    [timestamp] => 2016-05-20T17:07:46.322587+00:00
                    [amount_nanodollars] => 4000000
                    [from] => 12062092844
                    [message_encoding] => 0
                    [has_mms] =>
                    [to] => 18444205700
                    [amount_display] => $0.0040
                    [callback_url] =>
                    [message_type] => long-code
            [type] => message
            [id] => mdr1-6bdb954473d249308d43debd4735b493

    ######Response message field descriptions

    The following information is returned in the response message:

    |Parameter | Description | |-----------|----------|-------------------------------------------------------| | data | Object composed of attributes, type, and id. | |attributes |Object composed of the following: | |

    • body: The content of the message. | |
      • direction: The direction of the message. For a sent message, this is outbound. For a received message this isinbound. | |
        • timestamp: Date and time, to the second, on which the message was sent. This field displays UTC time using an ISO 8601 format. | |
          • amount_nanodollars: The cost of the message in nanodollars. Because Flowroute uses eight decimal points of precision, the amount in nanodollars is the USDamount_display value multiplied by 100,000,000 (one hundred million) for a corresponding whole number.
            | |
            • from: The Flowroute SMS-enabled number from which the message was sent. | |
              • message_encoding: Indicates the encoding type, which will be either 0 (UTF-8) or 8 (UCS-2). See Message Length & Concatenation for more information. | |
                • has_mms: Boolean indicating whether or not the message includes a multimedia file. true indicates yes, while false indicates no. Currently, MMS is not supported; therefore, the default value for this field will always be false. | |
                  • to: The phone number to which the message was sent. | |
                    • amount_display: The total cost of the message in USD. If a message was broken into multiple pieces due to concatenation, this amount will be the total amount for all message pieces. This field does not display out to eight decimal points. See Message cost in Message Length & Concatenation for more information. | |
                      • callback_URLThe callback URL defined for the Flowroute number on the Preferences > API Control page, the URL appears in this field; otherwise, the value is null.|
                        | |
                      • message_type: Indicates the type of message, either long-code or toll-free. If the message was sent to or received from another phone number, this field displays long-code; if sent to or received from a toll-free number, this field displays toll-free.
                      • | |type| Defines what the object is. Because SMS is the only supported object type, this field will always display message.| |id | The unique record identifier of a sent message, generated from a successful message creation.|

                        #####Error response The following error can be returned:

                        Error code Message Description
                        No code number Response Not OK This error is most commonly returned when the ID passed in the method is incorrect, or an incorrect Access Key or Secret Key were used.